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Teaching Teachers

Lead Teaching Fellowship
Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning (2022-2024)

Senior Lead Teaching Fellow (‘23-’24), Lead Teaching Fellow (‘22-’23). The S/LTF is a selective teaching professional opportunity for doctoral students at Columbia. As the Lead Teaching Fellow, I’ve organized monthly Learning Lunches where 10 students chat with established Professors about pedagogy, inclusive teaching, and academia. I also hosted a Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve Teaching Workshop, where doctoral students worked together to develop lesson plans, integrate feedback using a 4-pronged rubric focused on accessibility, inclusivity, and antiracial course design, and then re-teach lessons. I mentor doctoral students in completing the prestigious Teaching Development Program certification, which is noted on the diplomas of high-achieving teachers at Columbia.

Oakland Unified School District
Community Resources for Science (Summer 2019)

Led summer courses & workshops for 6th grade teachers; piloted workshops in OUSD classes.

Teaching Graduate Students

EESC GR6901 - Research Computing in the Earth Sciences (Spring 2024)
Columbia University

EESC GR9810 - Seminar in Race, Climate Change and Environmental Justice (end of Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021)
Columbia University

Designed syllabus, led lecture (attended by 100+ undergrad/grad students/faculty) and discussion (20+ students) with hands-on activities and guest speakers, created accessibility through live captioning, reviewed final assignments, led 20+ students in co-writing Community Research Handbook; recipient of $500,000 Graduate Equity Initiative Award to hire postdoc, adjunct faculty, and seed funding for graduate training in community-based environmental science projects for 3 years of future iterations of RCEJ class.

Teaching Undergraduate Students

EESC UN2100 - Climate Systems (Spring 2022)
Columbia University

Designed and supervised weekly hands-on and computational laboratory activities for 35 undergraduate students. Led office hours for weekly homework assignments and mentored students in navigating environmental science majors and careers.

Teaching K-12

Environmental Injustice (Spring 2021)
Columbia Double Discovery Center

Designed syllabus, created original hands-on activities, lectures and final projects, mentored students; Featured in Feb 2021 DDC Newsletter.

Science Workshops
Bay Area Scientists in Schools (2017-2019)

Developed activities, led monthly workshops in Berkeley 1st and 5th grade classrooms.

STEM Tutoring
Leadership High School (Fall 2018, Spring 2019)

Mentored 5 high-school students in STEM and college applications through ED190 - American Cultures Engaged Scholarship at UC Berkeley.